Lastolite Panoramic Background 4m Chromakey Green LL LB7622

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SKU: LL LB7622

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Panoramic background

Ideal for live stream and post-production keying
Enough working area for multiple camera angles and subjects
Self Supporting
Quick to assemble
Collapses down into a fabric bag


The Panoramic is a collapsible 4m (13’) wide, 2.3m (7’5”) high photography background that folds down neatly into its own carry case and fits easily into a car. Weighing only 9kg (19.8lb) it’s ideal for busy image-makers on the move. The photography background is completely self-supporting and can be set up in minutes. The structure comprises three individual aluminium framed sections, connected together with a hinge clip to allow the background to be set up flat to lean against a wall or with the side frames folded in to create a wraparound effect. The Chroma Key Green cover just simply clips to the aluminium frame and creates a taught, seamless surface.


Weight-9.0 kg

In Bag – Depth=30 cm

In Bag – Height-104 cm

In Bag – Width-35 cm

Height-230 cm

Width-400 cm